Jumat, 18 November 2016


In interpreting the public interest clause, the radio has at various time set fort the following principles : (1). The Right of the public to broadcast service is superior to the right of any individual to use the ether. (2) broadcasting must be maintaned as a medium of free speech for the people as a whole. (3) Radio station have a definite responsibility to provide a reasonable amount of broadcast time for controversial public discussion. In programming susch discussion, the broadcaster must avoid one-sidedness and observe overall fairness. The right of the public to be informed of different opinion in important matters of public controversy is the dominant consideration. (4). Licences must maintain control over the programming of their own station, and may not surrender their program responsibility by contract or otherwise to network, advertising agencies, or other program-producing organization.(5) Radio station must be responsive to the needs and interests of the communities in which they are located. (6). Radio Stations may not be used exclusively for commercial purposes.They must use some of their broadcast time for sustaining programs and must avoid advertising excesses which offend good taste. (7). Radio stations are expected to abide by their promises of program services unless exceptional circumstances supervene.

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